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Table 3 Values of old and new range of membership functions

From: Optimization of photovoltaic power system: a comparative study

Membership functions

Input (Error)

Input (change in error)

Output (derivative of error)

Old values

New values

Old values

New values

Old values

New values


[−Inf −0.032

−0.016 -0.008]

[−Inf −0.032



[−Inf −100 -80 -40]

[−Inf −100



[−Inf 0 0.1 0.3]

[−Inf 0 0 0]


[−0.016 -0.008 0]


−0.0007866 0]

[−80 -40 0]


−0.8948 0]

[0.1 0.3 0.5]

[0 0 0.5]


[−0.008 0 0.008]

[−0.0007866 0 0.0001318]

[−40 0 40]

[−0.8948 0 1.043]

[0.3 0.5 0.7]

[0 0.5 0.848]


[0 0.008 0.016]

[0 0.0001318 0.000451]

[0 40 80]

[0 1.043 2.603]

[0.5 0.7 0.9]

[0.5 0.848 0.8499]


[0.008 0.016 0.032 Inf]

[0.0001318 0.000451 0.032 Inf]

[40 80 100 Inf]

[1.043 2.603 100 Inf]

[0.7 0.9 1 Inf]

[0.848 0.8499 1 Inf]