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Table 2 Operation time of CON and MOD relay with the presence of SSSC and considering the set-delay times of zones

From: Active power based distance protection scheme in the presence of series compensators


Fault distance from R B

155 km

295 km

400 km









A–G Fault

V Ref  = 0.1 p.u

Not Oper

0 + 0.415

Not Oper

0.5 + 0.433

Not Oper

1.0 + 0.437

Operation time (Sec) of relay

V Ref  = 0.3 p.u

Not Oper

0 + 0.414

Not Oper

0.5 + 0.422

Not Oper

1.0 + 0.420

V Ref  = - 0.1 p.u

Not Oper

0 + 0.415

Not Oper

0.5 + 0.416

Not Oper

1.0 + 0.443

V Ref  = - 0.3 p.u

1 + 0.128

0 + 0.416

Not Oper

0.5 + 0.416

Not Oper

1.0 + 0.504

A–B Fault

V Ref  = 0.1 p.u

0.5 + 0.114

0 + 0.412

1.0 + 0.115

0.5 + 0.414

1.0 + 0.112

1.0 + 0.403

V Ref  = 0.3 p.u

0.5 + 0.120

0 + 0.426

1.0 + 0.114

0.5 + 0.422

Not Oper

1.0 + 0.418

V Ref  = - 0.1 p.u

0.5 + 0.116

0 + 0.418

1.0 + 0.116

0.5 + 0.404

1.0 + 0.112

1.0 + 0.513

V Ref  = - 0.3 p.u

0.5 + 0.121

0 + 0.418

1.0 + 0.114

0.5 + 0.406

Not Oper

1.0 + 0.407